Friday, October 17, 2008

Sarah Palin and the Courage To Be Uninformed

Okay, so I said I wouldn't have time for posting this weekend, but this was too much to pass up. Palin told a crowd at a N.C. fundraiser that her staff has advised her against watching campaign news at it would likely depress her.

All I'm going to say is: after eight years of a president who is so drastically out of touch - not just with the concerns of average Americans and the challenges they face each day, but with reality itself - who has been living in a staff-induced fantasy about the state of our economy, illegal occupations of foreign lands, and the environment - and who from day one hasn't had a fucking clue what to do in that highest of offices in which he sits whilst not on vacation in Texas - this is the last thing America, or the world, needs right now. This is W. all over again, only with less experience and female anatomy. We could not make a more stupid choice then electing this woman to anything above dog catcher.

And one more thing - people like Palin and Bush - fundamentalist religious zealots - their whole existence is built on the steady and unquestioned rejection of information and facts and the incredible ability to make up their own world, or, more accurately, to listen to someone else's made up bullshit and accept it as the truth, despite glaring objections, because they are just that. f'ing. stupid. They are that cowardly that they cannot face reality. They cannot accept the world in which people actually live. They live in fantasy, with the unfortunate ammendment that they often affect the real world in very serious ways. Not this time. Maybe in 4 years from now, or 8 or 12. But not today.