In response to Fox's request that the World Series game 6 be delayed 15 minutes so they can air Obama's national, 30 minute ad, the RNC said, "It’s unfortunate that the World Series’ first pitch is being delayed for Obama’s political pitch... Not only is Obama putting politics before principle, he’s putting it before our national pastime.”
Can't you just hear McCain's next ad?
He was the biggest celebrity in the world... But now, when America grows tired of his rhetoric, he decided to postpone the World Series. HOW DISHONORABLE. Barack Obama wants our citizens to engage in political discourse, instead of watching a sporting event and forgetting about the economy. HOW UNAMERICAN. If you can't trust Senator Obama to not steal your TV show, how can you trust him to run our country? BARACK OBAMA - A dangerous choice, who'll *change* nothing but the channel. "I'm John McCain and I approve this message because nobody touches the flipper in MY house except ME."
Because you know he still calls it a "flipper."