Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Video Shoot

This weekend I had the fun and enlightening experience of being filmed for a music video. My friend and #1 fan (literally), Kristen, is into video production and asked if I was interested in her directing it. Of course, I said yes.

The song we selected for the shoot is Kristen's favorite and one of mine, as well. I wrote the track - "Come to Find Out" - in the summer of 2007. It's about the experience of finding out that a close friend was gay. This was before I had come out myself, so the realization carried with it a lot of emotion.

We filmed the video in my Burleith apartment here in DC, as well as throughout the neighborhood of Georgetown. Based on the raw footage I've seen, Kristen did a terrific job and the shots along the C & O Canal and Potomac River are particularly beautiful. Carrying my guitar through the streets and down into the woods required a little wear and tear, but the small scuffs on my trusty guitarrro were worth it.

Hopefully we'll get the thing edited and finished before too long. Meanwhile, please check out my MySpace page, where I have newly-added lyrics, pictures, and songs - including the new cut of "Come to Find Out." As soon as the video is done, that will be up there, too.