Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why the F Not? Fran Drescher for Senate

Fran Drescher, who once played the title character on the hit series "The Nanny," has officially thrown her name into the mix to be New York's next senator. NY Governor Dave Paterson will be replacing Hillary Rodham Clinton when she becomes the next Secretary of State.

Why not appoint Drescher? She is actually a resident of New York, unlike Clinton. And she has experience working as an advocate for women and for cancer research, including lobbying for a bill in Congress. She was recently named a "diplomatic envoy" for the State Department on women's issues. In other words, she has more experience than Caroline Kennedy, who is currently considering the position and - if she decides she wants it - may well be the frontrunner.

What has Kennedy done to earn this? Not a whole fuck of a lot. She was born into a rich, famous family... She worked at a museum... She's on the board of a ballet group... She endorsed Obama in the primary, and went to a few rallies... And she helped him pick his vice president. That's about it. If doing volunteer work for Obama qualifies you to be a senator, I guess I should put my name in for consideration, as well.

Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, Caroline's uncle, had the audacity to contact Gov. Paterson and say, basically, that because Caroline is a Kennedy people will do things for her and send lots of money to NY. Is this what our political system should be about? Picking leaders based on their lineage and not their merits? Offering favors for politicians who give our family positions? This very often turns out to be the case - Bush, anyone? - and I hope it's not this time around.

So why not Fran Drescher? As she says, she's honest and genuine. I can't picture her ever not putting what she honestly felt were the best interests of her constituents first. She has shown an ability to put politics aside and work for common good, to a greater degree than Kennedy or most of the politicians being considered have done. And I'd rather see a hard-working, cancer-surviving girl from Queens get a boost than another snobby Manhattan heiress who has had life handed to her on a silver platter, and now, despite having zero political experience, would love a free senate seat. Plus, can't you hear her now? "Awwwwwww, but Mistah Leaduh.... I wanna be on the comitteeeeeeeee!"

I endorse Fran The Nanny for NY senator. The Kennedys can kiss my ass.