Thursday, October 9, 2008

Liveblogging 957th Listen of "WOMANIZER"

On Tuesday, Britney's new single, "Womanizer," was released for download on iTunes.

It. Is. Amazing.

Shocker, I know. Anyway I have already listened around a bajillion times (or I guess 957 to keep my exaggeration consistent with this entry's title) but felt that it would be worth everyone's time for me to LIVEBLOG it. Slow news day, right?

0:00 OMG so excited!!1!
0:02 HOLY SHIT is the spaceship I'm on gonna crash?
0:16 Yay BritBot is back!
0:30 Is a "re-up" a prepaid phone refill??
0:41 Chorus starts out with word "womanizer"...
0:54 Okay she's still saying it.
1:00 She really likes the repetition thing... so hot right now...
1:16 Anyone else noticing that it sounds like she's really singing this time?
1:50 I totally already know the words to the chorus, omigosh!
2:03 Boy don't try to front, you fucker. She knows just what you are. A... sexist guy thingy.
2:28 To be fair, Brits, a lot of non-womanizers also call you crazy
2:50 I love when she says "OOO" in the chorus. Just saying.
3:15 I never want it to end. Dear Jesus, don't let it end.
3:27 Breakdown bitch!
3:36 ooo god its gonna end with the womanizer repeating isn't it
3:44 yes. HIT REPLAY.
